Encouragement for Christians

You: More Powerful & Capable Than You Thought

By Grantley Morris

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Who would have guessed that a religion stressing lofty morals would cram into its holiest book the slimy details of King ‘Peeping Tom’ David, ‘lover-boy’ Solomon, fish-breath Jonah, sleazy Jacob, and two-faced Judah, (Scriptures) to mention just a few of the seething swarm of con-men, backstabbers, rapists, murderers and whores that fill the Word of God?

Few Christian biographies are as fiercely honest as Scripture. If there were more books that gently peel the plastic off famous Christians, it would be easier for us to realize that we belong in the big league. For examples, see Scandalous Flaws Exposed in Christian Leaders. We cannot idolize our heroes without falling into heresy, such as the satanic lie that being used by God is a reward for living an exemplary life. Service – like salvation, holiness and every other spiritual gift – is always an undeserved gift received by childlike faith. (Galatians 3:2-5) God broke into Paul’s life and assigned to him his enormous ministry, not after he had proved himself, but when the man was fuming with murderous rage against Christ; while he was still – as he later confessed – the ‘chief’ of sinners, torturing Christians in the hope of making them blaspheme. (Acts 26:9-11,15-18; 22:4-8,10,14-16) Though it was years before he was released into its fullness, the timing of that original call is both illuminating and liberating. May the implications ricochet within our heads until our dying day.

Yes, our character flaws grieve and defame the Holy One. Yes, we must move heaven and earth to root out our shame. And yes, as impossible as it sounds, God’s holy power can trickle through flawed, sin-stained channels to a thirsty world.

God does not use synthetic saints petrified in stained glass or mummified in strained biographies. If the paper people squashed between book covers or exhibited in special Sunday services seem real to you, you’ll love the Easter Bunny. If you were thinking of cornering the market on your brand of inadequacy, forget it; heaven’s databanks bulge with the triumphs of people with quirks like yours. Heaven’s heroes are people with pimples and stringy hair; people with wrinkles and pug noses. If you’d like to see a real saint-in-training, a cheeky Master’s apprentice poised to gelignite Hell’s gates, someone on the brink of eternal acclaim, go to your mirror.

The above is from an inspiring web book (also available in audio form) Waiting for Your Ministry,   © Grantley Morris

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More Encouragement

For much more encouragement, please bookmark this webpage, or record the web address, so that you can read each of the following and keep returning here for more links

“God Loves You” Means You Are God’s Favorite! Amazing truth

How to Change Your Self-Image & Boost Self-Esteem Why changing your self-image is so difficult and yet so important

Glorious Failure How failure often precedes glory

Turning Spiritual Attack into Victory The astounding power the weakest Christian has over the demonic

Turning Wasted Years into Blessing

You Can Forgive Yourself To unleash the amazing power of forgiving yourself, read this page and then keep following for very many pages the main link toward the bottom of each page

Afraid? Christian Help and Inspiration When Gripped by Fear

Turning Spiritual Barrenness into Blessing

My failings:

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