
The Interconnection between Peace
and the Rest of the Fruit of the Spirit

A dear, chronically ill friend of mine was crossing a street at night with a female companion. A car deliberately sped up and my friend’s companion narrowly escaped being hurt. The car stopped and four men got out, one of whom punched my friend in the face. That would shake anyone up but what powerfully calmed my friend is that he filled with deep love and compassion for the four strangers involved in the incident.

Love powers forgiveness which quells anger, an enemy of peace.

Likewise, patience, gentleness and self-control combine to increase one’s peace by lessening conflict in interpersonal relationships:

    Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath . . .

    Proverbs 16:32 Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.

Here are a few more examples of how each aspect of the Spirit’s fruit contributes to peace:

    * What we give we will receive “pressed down, shaken together and running over” (Luke 6:38), so if we give people kindness we are more likely to receive kindness and so enjoy less relationship strife and receive more support.

    * Self-control in spending will lower financial stress.

    * Patience aids our peace by helping us be less focused on the immediate.

    * If you are faithful in prayerfully reading the Word of God, you will accumulate a vast store of spiritual wisdom with which to handle a crisis.

    * Praising God in every circumstance promotes not just joy but peace.
