Sifting Wheat

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My familiarity with biblical references to winnowing or threshing (e.g. Luke 3:17; Judges 6:11) led me to presume that sifting must be some part of the process of separating chaff from the wheat. (Chaff, by the way, should not be confused with bran. Whereas chaff is virtually inedible for humans, bran has a valuable dietary function.)

I thought myself foolish, however, when I discovered this verse in the NIV:

    Amos 9:9  . . . I will shake the people of Israel among all the nations as grain is shaken in a sieve, and not a pebble will reach the ground. (emphasis mine)

I then presumed that sifting must be a reference to separating wheat from stones. It turns out that some scholars still think that, in Luke, sifting might be referring to removing the chaff. Moreover, whether pebbles are actually referred to in Amos is disputed and so Bible versions vary in their translation of this verse.

Nevertheless, regardless of whether what is sifted out is chaff or rocks, sticks or dirt, it is referring to the important process of removing the inedible, virtually useless, from the edible part of the wheat.



Bible Versions Used
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King James Version

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World English Bible
(Slightly Modified)

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For more information, see Bible Version Dilemmas