Financially Supporting Myself

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For anyone demanding total accuracy, I should note that although I had paid secular employment during most of my Internet ministry, my health has not allowed this to continue. If you insist on the boring details, here they are:

From my early teens I have been restricted by excessive tiredness. (Yes, it’s frustrating but the truth is that if I could work twenty-four hours a day, I’d still want to work longer.) It prevented me from getting a theological degree (although this was abundantly compensated by private study at my own pace over very many years). It stopped me from serving overseas as a missionary, broke my heart by not allowing me the strength to work the long hours required of a pastor, kept me unemployed for years and then caused me to stay in a low paid job (to minimize work stress), work as few hours a week as my employer would allow and make other sacrifices to keep me as fresh as possible to cram writing and ministry into every spare waking moment. My fatigue grew so bad, however, that I ended up having to stay in bed for many months (while still replying to emails) and finally, toward the end of 2007, I was forced to end all paid employment. I have always spent a minimum of money on myself in order to fanatically save, with a view to retiring as early as possible so that I could devote more time to ministry. I am now eking out those savings to support myself. I am no longer bedridden but my energy levels fluctuate and I would always like more energy.



