How to copy or print webpages

There are many ways. I mention several to increase the likelihood that your particular computer system is covered.

It is so important that you have this material in readiness for the next spiritual attack that if after studying these instructions, you still can't get a copy please e-mail me and I'll e-mail a copy to you.

Method 1

Click on File in the top menu bar, then click Save File As. (This will enable you to save the file on to your hard drive.) Make sure you note the file name and where it is stored on your computer so that you can find it later. When needed you can then load it in your Browser for viewing or printing. Some word processors will also accept the file.

Method 2 (For Printing Only)

If your browser allows it, click Print in the top menu bar. If a dialog box appears with the words All, Selection and Pages, All means the entire page, Selection means the text you have highlighted (see below)

Method 3

1. Select the text to be copied

Option 1 - If your browser has the option, click on Edit in the top menu bar, then click Select All.

Alternative - If the above doesn't work, use your mouse to highlight all the text. With some browsers it is easiest to place the cursor at the top of the text, hold down shift, then use the vertical scroll bar on the left of the screen to go to the end of the text. Still holding down shift, click at the end of the text. All the text will then be highlighted.

2. Copy it to memory

Option 1 - Click on Edit in the top menu bar, then click copy

Alternative - On a PC press the Control key (Ctrl) and the C key together

3. Paste it into your Word Processor

Open a new document in your word processing program and click Edit in the top menu bar, then click Paste.

4. Save the new document you have created and, if desired, print it.


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