Maximize your Experience

By Grantley Morris

Helpful Hints on Using Inspirationals

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My passionate prayer is that you soar with the Almighty way beyond my words to your own personalized revelation that keeps propelling you to new levels in God.

Before commencing each Inspirational, I suggest pausing to invite your ever-present Lord to partner with you as you read. Since your divine Lover knows your heart, there is no necessity to verbalize the request. Just warm to the thought that he lives in you and remind yourself of your dependence upon your supernatural Lord for spiritual enlightenment and of his eagerness to share his heart with you.

After reading each Inspirational, let the thoughts it triggers caress your mind for a few moments. Surrender to your Lord’s loving embrace; letting him use what you have read to soothe, gladden, inspire or challenge you, or to stimulate new thoughts. And let him drop into your heart his own life-changing insights.

Treasure whatever thoughts God gives. Consider honoring him by jotting them down for a more lasting record. Gems are easily lost but whoever carefully gathers them grows rich.

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Many Scriptures confirm that our Lord expects us to savor spiritual truth; bathing it in prayer, mentally exploring it, regularly turning it over in our mind, pondering how to build it into our everyday living, and seeking God for further divine enlightenment.

It’s delightfully beneficial to do this in long slabs of time but there are alternatives in our pressure-packed world. For example, after completing an Inspirational, you could let your mind return to it during tiny breaks throughout your busy day. It might only be a few seconds here and there but it helps you refocus on God, allows the truth to sink deeper into your heart, and provides a divinely led opportunity to discover a deeper side of the truth.

You might consider using a cue to prompt you to do this throughout the day. For example, whenever you notice that the hour has changed (e.g. when 9:15 AM becomes 10:03 AM), you might use it as a reminder to again think of the Inspirational for a moment or so.

If you wish to explore the topic further, remember that each Inspirational is but a tiny snippet of a much larger webpage and much more on that very topic can usually be found in the webpage. For the importance of praying about reading links, however, please see About Links.

Since, as Jesus affirmed, it is even more blessed to give than to receive, consider multiplying your blessing by sharing the quote with others via Facebook, email, and so on.

Move on to the next Inspirational at whatever pace feels appropriate.

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