When Good Christians Feel Needlessly Condemned by the Bible

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Not everyone realizes that recommending Bible reading to some people is as callous as asking them to eat broken glass, and as crazy as suggesting an agoraphobic should unwind by catching a plane for a relaxing week on a tropical isle, when she is not only petrified of setting a foot outside the door but of flying.

I love God’s Word and encourage its deep study but there are equally devout Christians who suffer horrific, spiritually crippling condemnation from the very book divinely intended to comfort and uplift them. Their quandary is like having a life-threatening allergy to life-saving medication. Average Christians might not understand and just add to the condemnation, but the Lord has graciously given me some insights.

It turns out that just as an anxiety disorder can cause agoraphobia in certain people, an (often undiagnosed) anxiety disorder can, in some people, cause terrifying condemnation and/or uncontrollable blasphemous thoughts when reading the Bible.

If this in any way applies to you, the webpage you have been reading is not only safe, there is a section specifically intended to help. If you wish to go there immediately, see Not Realizing the Extent of Divine Forgiveness?
