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A25= B>0, 2> A2>X>B 71>@ ?>AB>X0=> 25;8H 45:0 A8 65;5= 40 38 >G8AB8H A8B5 >=85 :>8 38 ?@87=0200B A2>8B5 3@5H:8 8 45:0 38 ?>483=C20B5 A8B5 HB> A5 ?>=878;5.<p> 5 <>60< 40 >G5:C20< 40 38 >B2>@0< >G8B5 :>= B2>X0B0 YC1>2 0:> 38 70A;5?82 >G8B5 A> 0@>30=F8X0. 0B>0, B@510 40 4>X40< G8AB A> B515. "5 =0@5:C2022 >3, 0 A5?0: B5 :@8B8:C202 :0:> 40 A8 3;C?02, 0 X0A 152 >=>X A> 15A:>=5G=> 7=05Z5 8 <C4@>AB. 0A B5 =0@5:C20< >A?>4 (HB> 7=0G8 >A?>40@) 8 B8 =0@5482  ">A?>48, =0?@028 3> >20, >A?>48, =0?@028 3> B>0"  :0:> 40 AC< 3>A?>40@ 8 B8 A8 <>X @>1. > @50;=>AB0 =8:><C =5 4>;68H;=85 B84>;68<5 Aè. 020H, 4020H 8 40@C20H, 8 2> A0<>F5=B@8G=0B0 0@>30=F8X0, A5:>X >4 =0A 75<0 8 75<0 8 75<0. 8:>30H =5 A8 =8 73@5H8;; =85 B8 73@5H82<5 ?@5<=>3C 8;X040 ?0B8 70 40 <>65<5 8 40 871@>8<5, 0 A5?0: A8 ?@>4>;68; 40 3> 2@B8H 8 4@C38>B >1@07 8 ?@>4>;6C20H 40 ?@>ABC20H, 0 =85 A<5 8<0;5 AB@0H=0 A<5;>AB ;06=> 40 B5 >128=8<5.<p> ">0 =5 A5 A0<> 4@C38 ;CS5 :>8 3> =0?@028;5 >20, >A?>45: 8 X0A AC< 28=>25= 70 B>0. 5 A0<> HB> 3> 10@0< B2>5B> ?@>ABC20Z5 8 G8AB5Z5,B5 <>;0< 40 <8 ?>:065H HB> B@510 40 =0?@020< 70 40 A>@01>BC20< A> B515 2> 8A:>@5=C20Z5B> >4 <>X>B 682>B =0 0@>30=F8X0B0, 3>@G8=0B0 8 4@C38 =5<8@8 :>8 4CE>2=> 18 <>65;5 40 <5 70A;5?0B; 70<03;C20X\8 X0 <>X0B0 A?>A>1=>AB 40 X0 2840< B2>X0B0 C1028=0.<p> 0 A530, 0:> AC< 40; 4>2>;=> 2@5<5 70 40 38 @5H8H >285 :;CG=8 ?@0H0Z0, 4>X48 A> <5=5 4>45:0 >40< =87 >285 251-AB@0=8F8. </font><p><br> <font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/languages/macedonian.htm">Joa 0:54>=A:8 hriaanskih stranica od istog autora</font></a></font><p> <center><b><font size="5">Srpski</b></font></center><p> !D0\0X\8 :>;:C A<5 A0:0=8 >4 >30, =5 A0<> HB> 3> ?@548728:C20 =0H5B> C6820Z5 2> >3, BC:C 8 3> ?>BB8:=C20 A5:>X 0A?5:B >4 =0H8>B 4CE>25= 682>B. !25A5= 70 B>0 :>;:C 5 :@8B8G=> 206=>, 3> 2;>682 <>X>B 682>B 2> ?8HC20Z5 =5:>;:C 251 AB@0=8 70 40 28 ?><>3=0< 2> >20.</ul><p> <b><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/love/serbian-love.htm"> Mo~ea da pronaea ljubav: `ta tvoje fantazije otkrivaju </a><p> <a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/hope/godlove-serbian.htm">Vi ste voljeni! Poznavanje Bo~ije ljubavi prema tebi</a><p> <a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/god/love-serbian.htm">Vi ste posebni Bogu! Zbog ega ste nezamenljivi u Bo~ijim o ima</a><p> <a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/god/infinite-serbian.htm">Zadivljujua ljubav: Beskrajna ljubav beskrajnog Boga</a></ul></b><p> <center><img src="/web/20230209160534im_/http://www.net-burst.net/images/hearts-blu.gif" width="217" height="31" align="middle" alt="* * *"></center><p> </td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" rowspan="1" valign="top" width="15%"> <center>&nbsp;<p><font color="#6699cc"><font size="4"><b> &nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p><img src="/web/20230209160534im_/http://www.net-burst.net/images/logo50.jpg" width="142" height="97" alt="[logo]" align="middle"><p> Net-Burst.Net<p></b></font><p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp; <p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp; <h2> 0718@0Z5 =0 >6X0B0 YC1>2 70 B515 </h2>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p> &nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<h2> 0:> 40 7=0< 40;8 >3 <5 A0:0 </h2> </center></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" rowspan="1" valign="top" width="15%"> <center>&nbsp;<p><font color="#6699cc"><font size="4"><b> &nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p><img src="/web/20230209160534im_/http://www.net-burst.net/images/logo50.jpg" width="142" height="97" alt="[logo]" align="middle"><p> Net-Burst.Net<p></b></font><p> </center></td> <td valign="top" width="70%"> <center><b><font size="6" color="#0066ff"><i> Deepening your Awareness of God s Personal Love for You </i></b></font></center><p> <font size="4"> <h3><font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/love/luv.htm">You Can Find Love</a></h3></font><ul><p><font size="3"> Available in many different languages and even different levels of English, this webpage explains how God is the Perfect Partner we yearn for. Though we try countless substitutes, everyone s deepest craving is for intimacy with God. In this page you will learn how to commence the most exciting experience any human can have.</font><p></ul> <h3><font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/hope/godlove.htm">You are loved!</a></h3></font><ul><p> <font size="3">Burst through doubts about God s love for you and bask in his matchless love.</font><p></ul> <h3><font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/god/love.htm">To God, You Are Special!</a></h3></font><ul><p><font size="3"> A short but powerful look at the intensity of God s love for you as an individual. To him you are unique and irreplaceable.</font><p></ul> <h3><font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/hope/special.htm">Why God Loves <i>You</i> as Much as <i>Anyone</i></a></h3></font><ul><p><font size="3"> Though it is easy to mistakenly think of oneself as second class, no one in the universe is more important to God than you.</font><p></ul> <h3><font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/love/feeling.htm"><i>Feeling</i> Loved by God</a></h3></font><ul><p><font size="3"> Help when you yearn to <i>feel</i> God s love, but cannot.</font><p></ul> <h3><font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/god/tender.htm">God s Tender Love</a></h3></font><ul><p><font size="3">A short footnote to a webpage bringing together amazing, heart-warming Scriptural insights into the depth and tenderness of God s feelings for you.</font><p></ul> <h3><font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/love/god-love-bible.htm">Staggering Bible Truths About God s love, and How to Believe Them</a></h3><ul><p><font size="3">Long, but highly recommended. It is the detailed page referred to earlier.</font><p></ul> <center><font size="6" color="#0066ff"><i><b> Obstacles to Believing You are the Apple of God s Eye </i></b></font></center><p> <img src="/web/20230209160534im_/http://www.net-burst.net/images/heart-blu-star.gif" width="21" height="22" align="top" alt="*"> <font size="5" color="#3399cc"><b>Doubts about God s Goodness</b></font><ul><p> The slightest doubt about God s goodness will deeply erode our ability to know how passionately loved of God we are, and will damage our ability to delight in him and enjoy him. <p> If key people in your life  perhaps even Christians  have been cold or critical or treated you harshly, it is usual to end up thinking this is how God feels about you. In reality, the forgiving Lord feels warmly and tenderly towards you. He believes in you and sees you in the best possible light. For biblical proof that God longs for you to be kind to yourself, see <b><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/christian-help/i-hate-myself.htm">Hate Yourself? God doesn t!</a></b> <p> The fruit of the Spirit <font size="3">(Galatians 5:22-23)</font>  the very heart of God  include selfless love, gentleness, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness, and yet the deceiver, the enemy of our souls keeps tempting us to worry that God might be harsh, unfair, quick to condemn, reluctant to forgive, egotistical and lacking in compassion. <p> For help with this, please see:<ul><p> <h3><font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/god/mother.htm">Is God Like a Perfect Mother?</a></h3></font><ul><p> <font size="3"> Those who through bad experiences with men are apprehensive about what seems the masculine or fatherly side of God can warm to the knowledge that God s beautiful nature has aspects that in humans would be called feminine or maternal. Both genders were made in God s image. Warm to the realization that God epitomizes  and far surpasses  the best of both.</font><p></ul> <h3><font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/hot/i-hate-god.htm">Hate God?</a></font></h3><ul><p> <font size="3">No matter how much you might think you hate God, you have simply misunderstood. You actually agree with him more far than you realize. </font><p></ul> <h3><font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/tough/guidance.htm">God s Wonderful Will For You</a></font></h3><ul><p> <font size="3">The Almighty is not a kill-joy, nor arrogant, nor selfish. No one has your best interests at heart like your Lord.</font><p></ul> <h3><font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/revenge/hate.htm">The Ultimate Revenge</a></font></h3><ul><p><font size="3">Explains how, at stupendous cost to himself, the good Lord has resolved the seemingly impossible tension between him loving his enemies (including your enemies) and yet passionately wanting to vindicate you and shower you with his extravagant love by fully avenging every injustice you have ever suffered.</font><p></ul> <h3><font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/god/wrath-anger.htm">Why God s Anger is Comforting</a></font></h3><ul><p><font size="3">Surprising insights into why God s Anger reveals his love. Correctly understood, God s wrath makes him even more lovable.</font><p></ul> <h3><font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/god/God_&amp;_suffering.htm">God &amp; Suffering</a></h3></font><ul><p> <font size="3">Still more help</font><p></ul></ul></ul> <img src="/web/20230209160534im_/http://www.net-burst.net/images/heart-blu-star.gif" width="21" height="22" align="top" alt="*"> <font size="5" color="#3399cc"><b>Feelings</b></font><ul><p> Rarely do feelings perfectly match reality. There are big differences, for example, between being afraid and being in danger. So it is with being stupendously loved of God and feeling loved. <p> God intends us to live by faith, not feelings, and it is vital that we do this because such things as medically-induced depression or anxiety (often undiagnosed) or spiritual trials or satanic attacks, deepen or even grossly distort one s feelings. <p> For a much deeper understanding of this vital topic, see: <ul> <p> <h3><font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/love/feeling.htm"><i>Feeling</i> Loved by God</a></h3></font><ul><p><font size="3"> Listed previously, but if you missed it, you really should read it.</font><p></ul> <h3><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/tough/desert.htm">Spiritual Wilderness Survival Guide</a></h3><ul><p> <font size="3">Help and encouragement when God seems far away</font><p></ul></ul></ul> <img src="/web/20230209160534im_/http://www.net-burst.net/images/heart-blu-star.gif" width="21" height="22" align="top" alt="*"> <font size="5" color="#3399cc"><b>Fearing God might have totally rejected you</b></font><ul><p> For help, see:<ul><p> <h3><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/guilty/rejected.htm">Rejected by God?</a></h3><ul> <font size="3">This shows powerfully through Scripture how God did not give up on people even when on the surface he seemed to give them no hope of acceptance. </font></ul> <p> <h3><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/guilty/extreme_grace_testimony.htm">Extreme Grace</a></h3><ul><p> <font size="3">About a Christian who kept doing all he could to force God to reject him. A deeply moving testimony highlighting God s tenderness and extreme patience and love toward us.</font><p></ul> <h3><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/guilty/scrupulosity.htm">Unforgivable?</a></h3><ul> <p> <font size="3">This links you to vast resources for people riddled with guilt and hopelessness</a></font> </ul></ul></ul><p> <img src="/web/20230209160534im_/http://www.net-burst.net/images/heart-blu-star.gif" width="21" height="22" align="top" alt="*"> <font size="5" color="#3399cc"><b>Feeling you have let God down </font></b><ul><p> For help, see:<ul> <p> <h3><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/tough/wasted-years.htm">Turning Wasted Years into Blessing: Jesus Astounding Power to Turn Evil into Good</a> </h3><p> <h3><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/christian-help/encouragement.htm">Encouragement for Christians</a> </h3><p> <h3><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/guilty/forgiving-yourself.htm">Forgiving Yourself</a></h3></ul> </ul><p> <img src="/web/20230209160534im_/http://www.net-burst.net/images/heart-blu-star.gif" width="21" height="22" align="top" alt="*"> <font size="5" color="#3399cc"><b>When God seems to favor other Christians over you</b></font><ul><p> I personally identify with people who know God has not utterly abandoned them but are sorely tempted to feel they are not God s favorite. <p> <b><font size="5" color="#009999">1.</font><i> Seem less favored in </i>non-spiritual<i> ways </i></b><ul><p> Vast numbers have done their utmost to honor and serve God and yet other people seem far more blessed of God in non-spiritual ways. Here s some help:<ul> <p> <font color="#0000ff">*</font> <font color="#000000">General </font><ul> <p> <h3><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/god/fair.htm">God Isn t fair?</a></h3></ul> <p> *<font color="#000033"> Health</font> <ul> <p> <h3><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/dove/sick.htm">From Mystery to Ministry, The Role of Sickness in your Life</a></h3></ul> <p> <font color="#0000ff">*</font> <font color="#000000"> Relationships</font><ul> <p> <h3>E.g. <a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/singles/index.htm">Help for Singles</a></h3></ul> <p> <font color="#0000ff">*</font> <font color="#000000"> Material things </font><ul> <p> <h3><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/christian-help/peace-contentment.htm">Satisfied: The Christianity that Most Christians have Missed</a> </h3><p> <h3><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/christian-help/prosperity.htm">Forgotten Christian Secrets of Prosperity</a></h3></ul> <p> <font color="#0000ff">*</font> <font color="#000000"> Trials </font><ul> <p> <h3><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/christian-help/trials.htm">The Surprising Joy of Trials</a></h3></ul></ul></ul><p> <b><font size="5" color="#009999">2.</font><i> Seem less favored </i> spiritually</b><ul><p> Like me, are you sorely tempted to feel spiritually inferior to certain Christians and this gnaws away at you, goading you to feel less favored by God and therefore less loved by him? If so, see <a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/christian-help/spiritually-inferior.htm">Feel Spiritually Inferior or Overlooked by God?</a> <p></ul></ul><br> <center><font size="6" color="#0066ff"><i><b> More Help in Fostering Your Love for God </i></b></font></center><p> <h3><font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/love/in-love-god.htm">In Love with God</a></h3></font><ul><p><font size="3"> A woman inspires us as she tells of her passion for God despite at one time feeling let down by him.</font><p></ul> <h3><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/jesus/brother.htm">Jesus, Our Brother, Our Example</a></h3><ul><p><font size="3"> The love God has for you is not only like that of the perfect friend, lover, mother and father, but also like that of the perfect brother or sister. To be born again means that, spiritually, we have in our being the very genes of God. Explore the exciting implications.</font><p></ul> <h3><font size="5"><a href="god-rest.htm">Love s Rest</a></h3></font><ul><p><font size="3">Enjoying God: God s Cure for Burn Out.</font><p></ul> <h3><font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/grow/growth.htm">Developing Your Love Affair with God</a></h3></font><ul><p><font size="3"> Expounds all the elements involved in developing intimacy with God.</font></ul><p> <h3><font size="5"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/pray/praying.htm">How to Fall More in Love with God</a></h3></font><ul><p><font size="3">Although the topic of prayer is featured, this page, and the one it leads to, will significantly help you fall in love with God, with simple, practical suggestions.</font><p></ul> <center><b><font size="6" color="#0099FF">Related Topics </font></center></b><p></ul> <h3><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/help/doubt-faith.htm"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/deep-truths/know-god-deeper.htm">Is Your God Too Small? How to Know God Deeper</a></h3><ul><font size="3">A Very Important Webpage</font><p></ul> <h3><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/help/doubt-faith.htm">When Doubt Knocks</a></h3><ul><p><font size="3">Earlier links above focus specifically on doubting God s love. This deals with doubting in general.</font><p></ul> <h3><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/christian-help/self-image.htm">How to Change Your Self-Image</a></h3><ul><p><font size="3"> Our self-image deeply affects our ability to believe we can be loved. We need to see ourselves through God s eyes, not through our own eyes or our guess as to how other people see us.</font><p></ul> <h3><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/sex_abuse/index.htm">Comfort, Understanding and Healing for Abuse Survivors</a></h3><ul><p><font size="3">Regardless of one s gender, one of the many benefits of healing from physical or sexual abuse or child abuse is an increased ability to <i>feel</i>. It has enormous implications for our ability to feel God s love and to trust and enjoy him.</font></b></font><p><br></ul> <font size="4" color="#003399">As an act of thanks for this website, Toni Gilyard sent me her poem <font size="3">(<font size="1"> &#169; Toni Gilyard, 2002, 2006)</font> that lets us glimpse the exquisite delight each of us can find in God s love. She writes of God:</font><ul><p> <font size="3"><b>You are intimate and obvious<br> and delicious and satisfying<br> and intoxicating and sobering<br> You are passionate and steady<br> and amazing and gentle<br> and invigorating and oh so very quiet&nbsp;.&nbsp;.&nbsp;. <br> I am out of words for now<br> words describe&nbsp;.&nbsp;.&nbsp;. and limit<br> words contain  restrict  define and explain<br> Let me be out of words for now<br> Let me stay here in this silent love&nbsp;.&nbsp;.&nbsp;.<br> Resting in the glaring mystery of you<br> Hushed in the majestic awe of you&nbsp;.&nbsp;.&nbsp;. </b><p></font> </ul></font><p> <center><font size="5" color="#aaaacc">Net-Burst.Net <img src="/web/20230209160534im_/http://www.net-burst.net/images/logo50.jpg" width="142" height="97" alt="[logo]" align="middle"> Net-Burst.Net</font><p> <br><font size="6"><a href="/web/20230209160534/http://www.net-burst.net/index.htm">Topics Covered in the Entire Site</a><p></center> </td><td bgcolor="#ffffff" rowspan="1" valign="top" width="15%"> <center>&nbsp;<p><font color="#6699cc"><font size="4"><b> &nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p>&nbsp;<p><img src="/web/20230209160534im_/http://www.net-burst.net/images/logo50.jpg" width="142" height="97" alt="[logo]" align="middle"><p> Net-Burst.Net<p></b></font><p> </center></td></tr> </table></body></html> <!-- FILE ARCHIVED ON 16:05:34 Feb 09, 2023 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 09:47:58 Jun 30, 2024. 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